What is DWithEase?

Demandware with ease is an extension build to speed up and enhance your personal experience using the Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C Platform.

What browsers are supported?

We currently support Google ChromeFirefox, and Edge Chromium.

Support for Safari is under way.

How to add a sandbox?

There are 3 ways to setup a sandbox configuration:

      1. Left click on the extension icon and select New button.
      2. Left click on the extension icon and select Add Sandbox Configuration button.
      3. Right-click on the extension icon and select Options, from there click the New Sandbox button.

Are my passwords secure?

Yes. Your passwords are stored securely using AES encryption and are also hidden in plain text once input. Doing export on your sandboxes also clears your password for security reasons.

Can I use DWithEase without sharing any passwords?

Yes. However, If you don't present a username and password, you will not be able to use one of the core functionalities - Automatic Business Manager Login.
